Monday, November 27, 2006

What a Day!

Hello everyone,
Another day of slight frustration at a pace that would cause a tortoise to yawn. For the second day the girls medical forms were not completed, even though the appointments were finihsed up (the doctor left work at 3pm and they arrived at 3:20 to get the documents finished). We did however, get many documents notarized just before the notary closed and the task involved as many as 50 documents spread all over the notary's desk. We need three sets of each of the girls files for the adoption process. Adding to the frustration was the fact that the notary apparently opened at 0900 this morning but according to the sign on the door they opened at 1300. When we got there at 1255 (to be early), we were told they were about to go to lunch from 1300-1400. Oh well, all in God’s time. We expect to get all of our documents signed/notarized tomorrow and God willing will have them on a bus to Kyiv for submission on Wednesday morning. If all of that goes well, then we should get the documents back in time for submission and hopefully get our court date on Monday.

(Children at the orphanage. Girls at dance lessons.)
On a much less tedious note, we were able to get the girls today after their last medical appointments. We went to the outdoor market for an hour and then went back to the room for sandwiches, soup, fruit, and chocolate cake. We bought some Christmas lights and ornaments and hung them in the room after more English flash card lessons. Afterwards, the girls started drawing and coloring beautiful pictures. Finally, we took them back to the orphanage and will see them again tomorrow. As always, we appreciate all of your prayers and support.
God bless,
Dan and Julie

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